So much life has happened since the last time I blogged that it's hard to know where to start. So, I guess I'll start by sharing with you an answer to a prayer that we have been praying for years. Avery received Christ as her Savior! She had been asking us a lot of questions for about six months. We would answer her questions, love on her, and reassure her that when the time was right she would absolutely know. So Sunday night after church she ran up to me under such conviction that she was broken. I held her in my arms, and told her that if she still felt that way when we got home she could settle it that night. When we got home she said she was ready! We sat on our bed and asked her some questions, then we listened to her explain the gospel, listened to her talk about why she needed a Savior, and watched tears well up in her eyes as she talked about His ultimate sacrifice. It was absolutely Holy. When she finished sharing her heart with us, she asked if she could pray. There are really no words to explain how I felt, as I listened to her daddy usher her in to the kingdom. What joy! As she finished up her prayer, she was all out happy crying... it was precious. As soon as she said amen, she looked up at us and said, "I'm a Christian." Followed by, "I'm a Christian, I'm saved, I'm saved, I'm saved........" She took off out of our room, and darted up the stairs to tell her brother, shouting all the way. We could hear her from our room downstairs telling Alex, "Wake up Alex! Wake up! I'm a Christian! I'm a Christian." I will never, ever forget that night, and I don't ever want to take for granted the simplicity of the gospel. That out of His great love He sent His Son, His ONLY Son (who knew no sin), to die on the cross for my sin, for YOUR sin, so that if we confess our sins and believe in Him we can be saved! Do you know Him?
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